Wednesday, April 22, 2009

UN NGO Confirms USA Using Secret Military tribunals At Ramapo Ridge Facility in Wykoff New Jersey To Curtail Freedom of Speech in AMerica

When I was seemingly imprisoned and held illegally at Ramapo Ridge Psychiatric Hospital in Wykoff NJ, I was not alone.

There were lots of college educated and other persons including retired college professors (young and old alike some even wearing diamond jewels in form of ring/necklaces they owned) also committed with me needing the facility’s ‘military tribunal’ and ‘defense attorneys (this is what my lawyers told me they were a defense attorney for my release), having absolutely no idea whatsoever why they were imprisoned in this NJ faclity having their human rights abused and freedoms limited right here in America and in Northern NJ.

Jill Starr

PS: Arnold Stark was there visiting me when I almost died of the medications they forced into my body and when my blood pressure dropped to low deadly levels.

Arnold Stark became very concerned for my life and health at that time being one of my only few visitors at Ramapo Ridge besides ArchBIshop John LoBue from the Holy Name Abbey in West Milford NJ. Strong Bill Clinton supporters.

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