Wednesday, April 22, 2009

President Obama and the Geneva Convention (1949) Let's Talk About It...

United States :

I’ve heard arguments for and against closing GITMO in Cuba. However, I have not heard anyone discuss whereby America reconciles the following matter consisting of:

1) According to the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War of August 12, 1949, in particular Part IV (Termination of Captivity) Section 1 (Direct Repatriation and Accomodation in Neutral Countries, beginning in Article 109 through Section II (Release and Repatriation of Prisoners of War at the Close of Hostilities) “Prisoners of war shall be released and repatriated without delay after the cessation of hostilities....;”

2) America clearly violates grossly rules governing treatment of detainees held at GITMO according to the Geneva convention (1949) i.e., enemy combatants (no matter how defined) being held by the detaining country (USA). and as such, President Obama ought close down GITMO facility if the United States of America is incapable of treating enemy combatants and prisoners of war as defined in the Geneva Convention according thereof. However, American citizenry ought know in the post 9/11 environment exactly President Obama’s plans are post closing of GITMO i.e., where they will be held and/or released to as so many presently debate in the American news media. However,

2) According to Article 118 Section II as aforementioned, in the situation with Al Qaeda, I argue “cessation of hostilities” between the United States and Al Qaeda cannot be said to have ceased. And,

3) Hence, shall they be released at all (?) I argue no for this reason.

4) This does not in any way diminish America’s international responsibility to treat all detainees in GITMO according to the Geneva convention. I suggest all American news media employees reporting the topic re-read the Geneva Convention and especially, the section about detainees entitlements while held by the detaining country which is America. Perhaps their entitlements will surprise you in manifesting the degree to which America has violated the basic rights of the detainees. More forthcoming.

Now I just wish President Obama would allow me to file a lawsuit against Ramapo Ridge Hospital in Wykoff NJ that used enhanced torture / interrogation methods against me recently.

I guess only members of Al Qaeda that were tortured by the USA in GITMO are allowed to file lawsuits against and file international press releases against the CIA, and, not American helpless female citizens like myself.



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